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Configuration of EasyAdmin is done via convars, these can be set via your server config file.

You can set a convar by following the syntax in the "usage" field.

Note that "setr" and "set" are not identical, make sure not to use them interchangably as Convars using "setr" can be read by players on the server.

Basic Configuration

Command/Convar Type Usage Description
ea_LanguageName Convar setr ea_LanguageName "en" This Convars dictates in which language EasyAdmin is displayed ( this includes but is not limited to GUI, Kick Messages, Reasons, Hud Elements.. ) Available options: de, en, es, fr, it, nl, pl
ea_defaultKey (RedM Only!) Convar setr ea_defaultKey "PhotoModePc" Guide for FiveM here. Key which is used to open the Menu RedM Keys
ea_minIdentifierMatches Convar set ea_minIdentifierMatches 2 The Minimum Amount of Identifiers that have to match before a Player gets "Declined" for being banned. Never put this below 1. If some form of Proxy is used on the server, you should add 1 to this number for every Proxy IP
ea_presentDeferral Convar set ea_presentDeferral "true" Whether or not EasyAdmin will display a progress (in %) of it checking the banlist when connecting, disable when using Adaptive Cards.

Ban Screen Configuration

Command/Convar Type Usage Description
ea_banMessageTitleColour Convar set ea_banMessageTitleColour "#354557" The hex color for the title of the ban screen.
ea_banMessageServerName Convar set ea_banMessageServerName "EasyAdmin RP" Your server's name to show on the title of the ban screen.
ea_banMessageShowStaff Convar set ea_banMessageShowStaff "true" Whether or not to display the staff member that banned the user. Set to "false" to hide the staff member's name.
ea_banMessageFooter Convar set ea_banMessageFooter "You can appeal this by ban by visiting our discord." The footer message typically showing an appeal link.
ea_banMessageSubHeader Convar set ea_banMessageSubHeader "You have been banned from this server." Sub header for the ban screen.
ea_banMessageWatermark Convar set ea_banMessageWatermark "" Your server logo or banner - used as a watermark. (ideally transparent/no background)

Webhook & Screenshot Configuration

Command/Convar Type Usage Description
ea_moderationNotification Convar set ea_moderationNotification "https://discordapp/api/webhooks/123/456" Logs Actions via Discord Webhook
ea_reportNotification Convar set ea_reportNotification "https://discordapp/api/webhooks/123/456" Sends Report Notifications to a Seperate Webhook, will use ea_moderationNotification if unset.
ea_detailNotification Convar set ea_detailNotification "https://discordapp/api/webhooks/123/456" Sends Detail Notifications (Convar Changes, Freeze and Spectate) to a seperate Webhook, will use ea_moderationNotification if unset.
ea_excludeWebhookFeature Command ea_excludeWebhookFeature freeze teleport Allows Specific Webhook Alerts to be disabled, available options: kick ban slap warn teleport freeze spectate settings calladmin report reports screenshot permissions joinleave
ea_dateFormat Convar setr ea_dateFormat "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S" Allows a custom DateTime format to be displayed in EasyAdmin, available options
ea_screenshoturl Convar setr ea_screenshoturl "" Defines an Image Uploader for the created Screenshots, make sure ea_screenshotfield is also configured correctly.
ea_screenshotfield Convar setr ea_screenshotfield "files[]" Defines the name for the form field to add the file to. See screenshot-basic for further information.
ea_screenshotOptions Convar setr ea_screenshotOptions "{}" Defines any arguments that should be passed through to screenshot-basic as a JSON String. See screenshot-basic for further information.
ea_enableReportScreenshots Convar set ea_enableReportScreenshots "true" When a player is Reported, this Convar will cause a screenshot to be taken of the reported player's game, if screenshot-basic is set up
ea_logIdentifier Convar set ea_logIdentifier "discord,steam,license" Will attempt to log the player's identifier in webhook messages, preference in descending order.

Command Configuration

Command/Convar Type Usage Description
ea_enableCallAdminCommand Convar set ea_enableCallAdminCommand "true" Enables "calladmin" command, will print a message via webhook.
ea_enableReportCommand Convar set ea_enableReportCommand "true" Enables "report" command
ea_callAdminCommandName Convar set ea_callAdminCommandName "calladmin" Defines what the command to call an admin will be
ea_reportCommandName Convar set ea_reportCommandName "report" Defines what the command to report a player will be
ea_callAdminCooldown Convar set ea_callAdminCooldown 60 In Seconds, how long a Player will not be able to use callAdmin after using it once.
ea_defaultMinReports Convar set ea_defaultMinReports 3 Minimum Reports to Ban someone below ea_MinReportPlayers Threshold, if ea_MinReportModifierEnabled, this is the amount always needed for a player to be banned.
ea_ReportBanTime Convar set ea_ReportBanTime 86400 Ban Time in unix time, how long the temporary ban should last after getting reported by x users
ea_MinReportModifierEnabled Convar set ea_MinReportModifierEnabled "true" Allows "Variable" Minimum Report Count, Will Divide Current Player Count by ea_MinReportModifier.
ea_MinReportPlayers Convar set ea_MinReportPlayers 12 Minimum Amount of Players for the "Report Modifier" to enable, would not recommend setting below this number.
ea_MinReportModifier Convar set ea_MinReportModifier 4 Amount by which Player Count gets divided to get "minimum reports needed" count, so if 12 Players are on the server and this value is 4, 12/4= 3 Reports

Administration Configuration

Command/Convar Type Usage Description
ea_maxWarnings Convar set ea_maxWarnings 3 Defines how many times a player can get warned before actions are taken Automatically.
ea_warnAction Convar set ea_warnAction "kick" Defines how the player will get acted upon, if maximum warnings are reached, can be none, kick or ban
ea_warningBanTime Convar set ea_warningBanTime 604800 How long a player will stay banned after being warned and banned, accepts a unix time string.
ea_IpPrivacy Convar setr ea_IpPrivacy "true" Weither or not to Hide IP Identifiers in the GUI, won't prevent them being used for Bans.
ea_adminCooldown:<ACTION> Convar set ea_adminCooldown:ban 60 If set to an integer other than 0, they will restrict an Admin from repeating that action for the number of seconds provided in the integer.

Bot Configuration

Command/Convar Type Usage Description
ea_botToken Convar set ea_botToken "aaaabbbbb.cccceeeee" The Discord token used for the bot
ea_botLogChannel Convar set ea_botLogChannel "838749101079658526" The Discord Channel the bot will log messages in.
ea_botStatusChannel Convar set ea_botStatusChannel "838749101079658526" The Discord Channel will post live server status messages in.
ea_botChatBridge Convar set ea_botChatBridge "838749101079658526" The Discord where Ingame and Discord chat will be bridged.
ea_addBotLogForwarding Command ea_addBotLogForwarding joinleave 604747425512685582 Sends a specific log type into a defined channel.

Backup Configuration

Command/Convar Type Usage Description
ea_backupFrequency Convar set ea_backupFrequency 24 time (in hours) between Banlist Backups.
ea_maxBackupCount Convar set ea_maxBackupCount 10 the maximum amount of backups that can be created. Old backups will be deleted.

Other Features

Command/Convar Type Usage Description
ea_chatReminderTime Convar set ea_chatReminderTime 0 Time ( in minutes ) of how often there should be a random Chat Reminder printed to Chat, disabled if 0.
ea_addReminder Command ea_addReminder "Online Admins: ^3@admins^7" Make sure to add this parameter BELOW the EasyAdmin start line, otherwise it won't work Adds a Reminder Text to the pool of available options, can support infinite reminders, More detailed informations
ea_playerCacheExpiryTime Convar set ea_playerCacheExpiryTime 900 Defines, in seconds, how long it takes for a Cached Player to get removed from Cache, 30 Minutes by Default, however, higher Values are recommended for sparsely Moderated Servers, should not exceed a few hours for performance reasons.
ea_addShortcut Command ea_addShortcut rdm RDMing is not allowed, please read our Rules! (/rules) Creates a shortcut for a reason. More detailed informations
ea_enableChat Command set ea_enableChat "false" Toggles EasyAdmin's own Admin Chat on/off
ea_enableAllowlist Convar set ea_enableAllowlist "true" Enable or Disable Allowlist System

Advanced Configuration

Command/Convar Type Usage Description
ea_logLevel Convar setr ea_logLevel 3 Sets the level of debug messages that should be displayed, 1-4 (1=errors only, 2=errors&warnings only, 3=errors, warnings and info messages, 4=everything, including spammy developer prints, not recommended)
ea_enableTelemetry Convar set ea_enableTelemetry "true" Enable or Disable Telemetry
ea_useTokenIdentifiers Convar set ea_useTokenIdentifiers "true" Weither or not to use Tokens as Identifiers when banning users, keep activated unless multiple server instances access the same banlist file.
ea_enableSplash Convar set ea_enableSplash "false" Enables or Disables the Ascii Art when EasyAdmin Starts.