EasyAdmin Features various commands which are able to be used instead of the Menu.
Of note is that Commands are not officially supported and may/may not work correctly in some cases.
Here is a list of commands currently implemented in EasyAdmin, including their Syntax:
Command | Description |
easyadmin | Opens the EasyAdmin Menu |
kick [playerid] [reason] | Kicks a player |
ban [playerid] [reason] | Bans a player |
spectate [playerid] | Spectates a player |
slap [playerid] [hp] | "Hurts" a player with the specific amount of Damage |
freeze [playerid] [true/false] | Freezes a player |
report [playerid] [reason] | Report a player for a reason, needs to be enabled first |
calladmin [reason] | Call an Admin, will show like a Report in EasyAdmin |
unban [ban id] | Removes a specified ban |
ea_printIdentifiers [id] | Console Only: Prints all identifiers of a User |
ea_addShortcut [Shortcut] [Text] | Adds a shortcut for a reason |
ea_addReminder [Text] | Adds a reminder text that gets printed to chat periodically |
ea_testWebhook | EasyAdmin will print test messages in the Webhooks to verify if they work |
ea_createBackup | Creates a Banlist backup |
ea_loadBackup [backupname] | Loads a Banlist backup |