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Frequent Issues, Questions & Answers

I'm getting yarn build errors!

If you are getting "Building resource EasyAdmin failed", update your yarn resource with the latest version from cfx-server-data, then delete your server cache and try again.

How can i change the menu key?


EasyAdmins deferral is conflicting with my adaptive card!

If your EasyAdmin is conflicting with another adaptive card resource, you can try adding

set ea_presentDeferral "false"
to your server config, this will disable the progress display after EasyAdmin defers the connection and hopefully fix the flicker.

My EasyAdmin only opens if i press and hold the menu key.

Most likely one of your keybinds are messed up, delete any lines mentioning EasyAdmin in this file: %appdata%/CitizenFX/fivem.cfg

I can't connect, EasyAdmin says to contact an administrator , what do i do?

Your Banlist has an error, most likely due to an edit that broke the formatting, use a JSON Validator and fix the Formatting inside the file, or remove any broken bans.

I found a bug, where do i report it?

I gave myself Admin Permissions, but i cant open the menu

Add setr ea_logLevel 3 to your server config and restart the Server, then try connecting, EasyAdmin will show which permissions it's aware of, if your permissions all return false then you did something wrong, double check your configured permissions.

I'm getting "Access denied" errors when someone joins the server!

Make sure the following lines are present in your server.cfg:

add_ace group.admin easyadmin allow
add_ace resource.EasyAdmin command allow

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